Monday, March 29, 2010

26 Things In My 26th Year

No, you are not having an insanely amazing dream. I really blogged! I know I know, I haven't blogged in about a year and guess what... I fake miss it (meaning that while the task itself isn't my favorite, it is kind of fun to look back on). So... I am re-recommitting myself. I figure what better way to kick things into gear than by compiling a list of all of the random/amazing things that I would love to accomplish yet can't seem to get to. Maybe this will help me stay motivated! With my 25th birthday fast approaching (I hate my birthday) I decided to make it a 26 by 26 type list. I am fully aware that this is by far the most unoriginal idea on the planet (I'm pretty sure that at least half of the blogs out there have a similar list) however at least MOST of the items on my list came out of my own head. Here we go...

  1. Make 2 REAL quilts. (One for me and one for someone else)
  2. Travel somewhere new.
  3. Read 3 Classics. (Gone with the Wind, Anna Karenina, and Les Miserables)
  4. Learn how to bake bread.
  5. Fill at least one journal.
  6. Take a road trip to somewhere that isn't "just off of I15".
  7. Write someone a REAL letter. (Maybe a prisoner...?)
  8. Find an amazing volunteer opportunity.
  9. Buy a laptop.
  10. Move/have a REAL plan to move far far away.
  11. Perfect the application of eyeliner w/o the use of a Q-tip.
  12. See 6 plays that I have never seen before.
  13. Buy some bright red pumps.
  14. Relearn how to play the piano.
  15. Be a real vegetarian for at least two weeks.
  16. Paint a picture.
  17. Use all of my existing flannel w/o buying more.
  18. Buy and complete a puzzle from the D.I.
  19. Help stop light pollution.
  20. Pay off my 10 year old library fine. (Will help with #3)
  21. Become an early bird instead of a night owl.
  22. Buy something vintage that I love!
  23. Learn more about Canadian history.
  24. Learn how to knit.
  25. Create something amazing out of something not so amazing.
  26. Use the fabric that I bought at Mood.

Easy right. Nothing that is completely unattainable. All things that I have control over and can make happen. Anyone want in on any of my amazing adventures? While typing this list I decided that if... no WHEN I complete everything on this list I am going to go on an amazing trip. Donations are now being accepted as well as destination ideas and travel companion applications. (Yes, you must apply. After my last trip I will not be taking any chances).