Thursday, January 29, 2009

Disneyland, so close and yet, so far away.

It is currently 387.69 miles from my front door to the front gates of the happiest place on earth. That is 5 hours and 58 minutes of drive time which is nothing. I find myself asking, "why don't I go more often?" The number one reason would be my financial situation. When I was a nanny and my pass was free, it was much easier to make random trips to Disneyland. Now it is a much larger commitment. A large group of people are planning a trip to California for Spring break. The trip will include the following...

2) A baseball game in San Diego
4) The beach
6) Shopping
8) Possible night in Vegas

Amazing right! How can I possibly pass this up. The last time I went to Disneyland it was extremely eventful. It included yummy soup, ex-boyfriends, cute mountain man ride operators, a random lady on the bus you could poor your heart out to, and a ridiculous young man who had to get home to "buy a new shirt" aka stalk his ex. Friendships were strengthened, friendships were destroyed... it was the most glorious three days possible. So now I need to figure out how I can make this new trip happen. What can I say, I am addicted to Disneyland. I tried to find an online support group but there is not currently one in existence. Maybe I will start one. Realistically I know I can't go. We would leave exactly one month after I get home from NYC which means that in one month I would have to save a good $600, plus enough to cover the money that I won't be making over spring break. It is pretty much attempting the impossible. But I believe that when your goal is a worthy one (which Disneyland always is) anything can happen. So here are some of the ways I plan on considering to make some extra cash.

Random Crap #6
Disneyland, here I com...?

1) Garage Sale
2) Organizing Closets
3) Baby-sit
4) Sell Plasma (Sorry Jon)
5) Sell my hair ($300-$900)
6) Join a clinical trial
7) Finally sell all the aprons I have lying around my house
8) Get a paper route (4am... worth it?)
9) Online poker
10) Recycle
11) Turn my parents house into a bed and breakfast
12) Lemonade stand/Bake sale

While I know that most of these are unrealistic and won't come close to helping me reach my goal, it's worth a shot. I had a small ray of hope the other day when I was offered a babysitting job that would finance my trip, only to have it ripped away less than 24 hours later (thanks for crushing my dreams). So I am back at square one and in need of more suggestions. Any Ideas?

Random Gal


● C E L I N A ● said...

be a hooker

open a jail and sell one night sleep overs for $45 a pop

sell all the stuff from the preschool no one knows is in there

sell the van (you might have said this)

open virgin tacos

make a mixed CD called Lindsey I dont think like that and sell it

ask DNM the nasty one for cash

marry him for grandpa winco's money

Lindsey said...

I love all of those ideas. Mostly asking "the nasty one" for cash. Maybe I'll ask for money when he comes to my re-baptism!